Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ultimate Guide to Understanding the South Beach Diet

Losing weight can indeed be very difficult. There are many programs to help you diet and exercise in healthy ways in order to take off the extra fat. Sometimes people are somewhat confused about what road to take to achieve the best results.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


There is only one word that truly fits the concept at "The Heart Attack Grill" in Arizona - USA, and that word is: Disgusting...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nutrition Facts Often Confusing

Eating correctly is getting more and more difficult every day, as reports on what is good for you and what is harmful to your health seem to change frequently. While state requirements on food-labeling are meant to help consumers make better decisions based on nutrition facts, many labels are confusing and others even directly misleading. While the governments' label information requirements are meant to help people make more informed decisions about what they eat and how much, not having the right nutrition facts, or understanding them means you're left with useless information.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Good Place to Get Reviews

Imagine finding a source that could tell you all you wanted to know about the many books on burning fat, losing weight etc. That source now exists. Watch this video.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

We ALL Know What's Required

We now enter the lovely season of grill food. Put your beaf, your chicken sausages or your fish on burning coals and roast your meat without using any added fat. Furthermore, salads are far more tasty now that you can get fresh iceberg salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, chilis etc fresh in your local stores.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Super Size Me

The amazing video "Super Size Me" on the subject of the entire fast food industry, but also focusing especially on a diet based solely upon foods from McDonald's can now be seen directly FOR FREE on YouTube.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Ten Rules of Fat Loss

In a hurry, then go straight to:

The Ten Rules of Fat Loss IS the e-book you need when you wish to lose weight. It will bring you the facts. Facts about fat burning and the relationship between what you take in and the way your mind works.

You NEED this report and you need to follow this diet to change past behavior.

So hurry over to: to learn the facts and get started.

Good luck. :-)